To actually disassemble and reassemble
To actually engage with the physical world
To adjust our position relative to the road
To admire another while feeling shame for one's own lack
To affect how we use our senses
To allow us to break things down into clearly defined elements
To allow-permit-consent-assent
To always remember a favor received
To answer as quickly as possible
To answer simple math questions as quickly as possible
To appear as some form of understanding
To arrange-organize-assign-plan
To arrive at the same solution
To avoid being picked up for loitering
To begin-commence-get to work on
To begin-get on with-commence-start
To believe all that is written is worse than not reading
To bother with trifling matters
To break down into clearly defined elements
To break down the problem step-by-step
To build better and better models
To build models of our experiences from two points of view
To build prototypes for different projects
To call back-reply (electronically)
To cause it to be dissipated or deflected
To cause us to write the answer
To commiserate-feel compassion-take pity on
To comprehend-Comprehend-Comprehends-Comprehending-Comprehended
To conceptualize what we are doing as
To consider-use discretion-use advisedly
To control the size of the flame
To create a balanced background
To create the desired or required change
To create-cause-give rise to-produce
To curse-swear-revile-abuse-bedamn
To define the groups we put elements into
To destroy-devastate-ravage-ruin-wreck-wear down
To determine components for ourself
To determine the correct exposure
To develop the necessary mental models
To differentiate between learning and doing
To differentiate everything in terms of ideas and relationships
To direct our senses appropriately
To dispatch-finish off (enemy troops)
To distinguish between learning and doing
To divulge-reveal-bring to light
To do-perform-carry out-conduct-become active
To dodge-duck-evade-run away-escape-evade-shirk-sneak off
To enable it to continue to flow
To excel by virtue of strong efforts.
To explore (a new place, New planet)
To extend love to something that is close
To fight a war without a just cause
To figure out what we need to do
To find happiness in one's own way
To generate-emit-issue forth-send out
To get into it as smoothly as possible
To give ourselves room to sense what is ahead
To go to a friend's house to hang out
To gradually regain consciousness
To grasp-hold-master-get to grips with-master-attain
To have constantly on one's mind
To hear of someone's reputation is not the same as knowing them
To help them to understand the problem and solve it
To help us be as independent as possible when learning
To improve the mental models we build and use
To improve the process of building them
To inspect (for serviceability)
To kill-massacre-slaughter them
To kill-terminate-eliminate-execute
To know what we are trying to do
To learn from our direct experiences
To learn to act effectively without thinking
To learn to think with clear ideas
To leave more room to sense what's ahead
To leave only after one is fully satisfied
To leave-head out-walk out-come out (of)-get out (of)
To look ahead into possible futures
To look at an idea from two points of view
To look back on where we have flowed
To look for new potential experiences
To loosen-solve-undo-untie-unbind-untangle
To make a living shoeing horses
To make each subsequent drawing better
To make each subsequent painting better
To make it easier to get into the fluid mind-state
To make writing and organizing easier
To mark our external environment
To mirror these two points of view
To model a connection as a third idea
To models built from two points of view
To mourn-grieve-be sad-feel sorrow
To notice what's going on around ourselves
To officiate-host-preside over-take charge-supervise
To overlook-pardon-let go-let it go
To pause-stop for a short while
To perform handwriting recognition
To prevent cream from spoiling
To prevent dangerous occurrences during ignition
To prevent students from killing themselves
To prevent the fresh cream from spoiling
To process the information and respond
To provide our arms and shoulders with a foundation
To rebound from the bottom of the cup
To recognize or define this-the idea
To reduce blur caused by camera shake
To refer to real things (To refer to those things that are real)
To refuse-reject-turn down-decline
To repeat the necessary steps enough times
To represent a value or quantity
To respond based on what we are doing
To reverse their direction of travel
To say this would be the height of hypocrisy
To search-Go through-look around-search here and there
To see how a system can have two points of view
To see if I could handle it alone
To see the road ahead and the traffic on it
To shake-sway-rock-wobble-jiggle
To show the intensity of her loss after being treated indifferently
To solve food shortage problem
To submit or rise according to circumstance
To subsequently change or modify
To succeed after a single attempt
To succeed one cannot focus on two things at once
To succeed one must be single minded
To support our body and to move it
To switch between these two mind-states
To take in sensory information
To take part in the model building process
To take the perspective of water itself
To test and check the output of the model
To their surprise they still lived
To think about the concept of connection
To think in terms of connection
To think-ponder-wonder-consider-search one's mind for
To travel by (some mode of transport i.e. ship, Plane, Train, Car)
To try to figure our what went wrong
To understand the changes involved
To use our connection to transmit and receive change
To use them to sense the limits
To use this wreckage for communication
To weaken-subside-abate-diminish
To wear tight leather clothing
To work to the best of one's ability
To work towards feeling our body as it moves
To abate
To abduct
To abide by
To accomplish
To achieve
To acquire
To act as a companion
To act in accordance with
To actualize
To adapt
To adjoin
To adjust to
To admire another while feeling shame for one's own lack
To adorn
To advocate
To Agree
To agree
To aim low
To allow us to break things down into clearly defined elements
To allow-permit-consent-assent
To always remember a favor received
To ameliorate
To answer him
To answer simple math questions as quickly as possible
To apply (for)
To apply fertilizer
To apply force
To appoint
To arrange-organize-assign-plan
To arrive
To arrive at home
To arrive-arrive at-reach
To ask
To assess
To assign
To atone
To attack-strike-hit
To attempt
To attempt-try
To attend
To attract
To autograph
To avoid-dodge
To awaken
To backfill
To banish
To bare teeth
To bark
To base on
To bear weight
To beat
To beat-give a beating
To become acquainted with
To become aware
To beg
To begin
To begin with
To begin-commence-get to work on
To begin-get on with-commence-start
To believe
To benefit
To benefit from
To bestow
To bestow-give
To bleed
To block-hinder-cut off
To bloom
To blossom
To blur
To bolster
To bother with trifling matters
To bow
To break up
To bring
To build models of our experiences from two points of view
To burn
To burn up
To bypass
To call back-reply (electronically)
To call up
To carry-bring
To cash in
To catch
To catch sight of
To categorize
To cause him
To cause it
To cause-initiate-set off
To cavort
To cease
To challenge
To channel
To chase
To cheat
To check out
To choose-select-pick
To circle-go around (to)
To circulate
To circulate-ventilate
To classify
To clean-tidy-tidy up
To cling
To Close-Shut
To cogitate
To collaborate
To collect in
To collide
To come
To come to an end
To comfort-appease
To commiserate-feel compassion-take pity on
To commit
To compare to
To compose
To comprehend-Comprehend-Comprehends-Comprehending-Comprehended
To conceal
To conceive
To concentrate on
To conclude
To configure
To confirm an appointment
To connect (to)
To consent to
To consider important
To consider-regard
To consider-use discretion-use advisedly
To constitute
To construe as
To consume
To contemplate
To contribute
To convene-hold a meeting
To cook-mature-ripen
To coordinate
To cover
To cover up
To covet
To create-cause-give rise to-produce
To cross
To cultivate
To curse-swear-revile-abuse-bedamn
To customize
To cut off-cut-chop-break
To cycle
To dance
To daydream
To deal with people
To decide
To decline
To decompile
To decompose
To decompress
To decorate
To defeat-beat
To deflect
To deliver
To delve deeply
To denote
To deplete
To deploy
To descend
To design
To designate
To desire
To destroy
To destroy-devastate-ravage-ruin-wreck-wear down
To deviate
To devise
To die of thirst
To differentiate everything in terms of ideas and relationships
To dig
To dig out
To discard
To discern
To discharge
To disconcert
To dislike
To dislocate
To dismount
To dispatch-finish off (enemy troops)
To disperse
To display
To dispose off
To disrupt
To dissipate
To distribute
To disturb
To divulge-reveal-bring to light
To do-perform-carry out-conduct-become active
To dodge-duck-evade-run away-escape-evade-shirk-sneak off
To draft
To drag
To draw in
To drift
To drip
To drive to
To each
To eat
To eat-dine
To echo
To electrocute
To embark on a journey
To embellish
To emerge
To emphasize
To emphasize what follows
To employ
To encounter-suffer-meet
To endeavour
To enforce
To enjoy
To ensure
To entangle
To enter information
To enter the house
To entrust
To erect
To escort
To evaluate
To evaporate
To examine
To exclaim-scream
To execute
To exert, To impose
To exhaust
To exist
To Expect-Hope
To expedite
To expel
To expiate
To explain-interpret
To explore
To explore (a new place, New planet)
To export
To extend
To face off
To face toward
To face-orient toward
To facilitate
To fade
To fail to
To fall down
To fall-collapse-go down
To fasten-do up-secure
To feel gratitude
To feel gratitude and respect
To feel the ground
To feel-sense-suppose
To fertilize
To fill up
To filter out
To find food
To find out
To finish
To fit
To fix
To fix-repair
To float-drift-levitate
To fly by
To focus
To follow suit
To follow-accompany-go with
To follow-obey-abide by-keep
To forage
To form
To forward information
To found
To free
To frost
To fulfill
To fulfill one's nature
To function-work-run-stir
To further
To gain weight
To gather
To generate-emit-issue forth-send out
To get away
To get away from
To get drunk
To get going
To get home
To get in touch with
To get off from
To get up
To get used to
To give permission-consent
To give the order
To give-hand over-place-shift
To glance
To glare
To glimpse
To go
To go (to)
To go and look for
To go back
To go back to
To go deep into
To go for a run
To go into
To go missing
To go on
To go on strike
To go out
To go over
To go over there
To go to find
To go to sleep
To go wild
To govern-rule over
To grant
To grasp-hold-master-get to grips with-master-attain
To grieve
To grow
To guard
To hate
To hate-abhor-dislike-loathe
To have a meeting
To have a seizure
To have constantly on one's mind
To have the same idea
To have to be
To head to-towards
To heal
To heal-mend
To help us be as independent as possible when learning
To hid-stuff in
To hide
To hinder
To hoard
To hold on
To hold-carry-take her
To hop
To hope
To horrify
To hug-hold-embrace
To illuminate
To immerse
To impact
To impel
To index
To inflict
To influence
To inform
To inhibit
To injure
To input
To insert-instal-pack-load
To insist on
To inspect (for serviceability)
To integrate
To interact
To interpret
To intimidate
To intuit
To invent
To invest
To iterate
To join
To join together
To join up
To journey
To keep going
To kick
To kidnap
To kill
To kill-massacre-slaughter
To kill-terminate-eliminate-execute
To knock over
To know-be aware of
To label
To lack
To land
To laugh
To laugh heartily
To lay eggs
To lead to
To leaf through
To leak
To leap
To learn to act effectively without thinking
To leave for
To leave out
To leave-head out-walk out-come out (of)-get out (of)
To leave-leave behind
To let me
To leverage
To lick off
To lie
To lift higher
To lift up
To like
To liken to
To limp
To link
To live in groups
To loathe
To located
To look ahead
To look at-see
To look back on
To look emaciated
To look forward to
To look things over
To look through
To loosen-solve-undo-untie-unbind-untangle
To lose in love
To lose pressure
To lose track of
To lower
To lubricate
To make a contribution
To make an effort
To make better
To make beverage
To make changes
To make it
To make its
To make me
To make mistakes
To make sure
To make up
To make up for a deficit
To make writing and organizing easier
To manufacture
To map out
To mask
To matter
To measure
To meet-encounter
To memorize
To menace
To mention
To mesh
To milk
To miss someone
To moan
To moan-whine-complain
To model
To modify
To mourn
To mourn-grieve-be sad-feel sorrow
To move away from
To move in a cycle
To move past
To move to
To move-act
To move-remove
To murmur-mutter
To mutter
To name
To need
To no longer be
To no purpose
To note
To now
To nurture
To observe
To obtain
To occupy
To offend
To offer
To officiate-host-preside over-take charge-supervise
To oil
To one's liking
To one's surprise
To oneself
To open-establish-issue
To operate
To originate
To overcome
To overlook-pardon-let go-let it go
To oversee
To own
To pace
To paint
To pass (through)
To pass away
To pause-stop for a short while
To pay (for-money for)
To pay attention
To peel off
To penetrate
To photocopy-make a photocopy
To pick up
To pierce through
To pierce-stab
To plan
To plant
To plant-grow-cultivate
To plow
To Ponder
To possess
To pour
To power
To practice
To practice-exercise-train
To predefine
To predetermine
To Predict
To prepare
To prescribe
To preserve
To presume
To process
To promise-commit to
To prompt
To propagate, Propagate
To protect
To provide company
To provide motive power
To provoke
To pry apart
To pry open
To pull in
To pull into
To pull out weeds
To pull-drag
To pulsate
To pulse
To purchase
To pursue-chase-look for
To push
To push open-away-aside
To push-shove
To put away
To put forward
To put into practice
To quickly run
To quit
To raise (a question)
To raise a hand
To raise both hands
To re-read
To read
To recap
To record
To reduce in math
To refer to
To refill
To refresh
To refuse-reject-turn down-decline
To regain
To regret
To regulate
To reign-Be in charge
To reimburse
To rejoice
To relay
To release
To rely on
To remain
To remember
To remind
To remove
To render
To renounce
To repeat
To represent
To request-require-demand
To require
To require mental effort
To rescue-save
To research-explore
To resort to
To rest
To restore
To result in
To retire
To retrieve
To return (to)
To return-turn back
To revisit
To revolve
To ride
To rip
To rise up
To rise-raise-lift (up)
To risk
To rotate-turn-revolve-spin
To rub-caress-pat-touch
To ruminate
To run (there)
To run away
To run back (to)
To run down
To run to
To run up
To run-pour-flow
To say this would be the height of hypocrisy
To scan
To schedule
To scratch
To seal
To sear
To search
To search (for)-Google
To search hear and there
To search-Go through-look around-search here and there
To search-hope-see-look (at)
To seek
To seize-grasp-hold
To select
To select-single out
To send (to), Send
To send away
To send off
To send to
To sent
To separate (from)
To separate-part-distinguish
To set up
To settle down
To settle in a place
To shake off
To shake-sway-rock-wobble-jiggle
To shit
To shock
To shock-stun
To shoulder
To shout
To shove
To show the intensity of her loss after being treated indifferently
To shrug away
To shrug off
To sign
To sign up
To simplify
To sit down
To sit still
To skid
To skip class
To sleep
To slide
To smoke (a cigarette)
To snatch
To snorkel
To solve-resolve-fix-settle
To soothe
To sort
To spawn
To speak
To speed
To speed up
To spend-pay
To spin
To splash
To split
To spot
To spread
To spur on
To spy
To squander
To squat
To squeeze dry
To squeeze shut-close tightly
To stab
To stabilize
To stare
To start to mention
To starve to death
To state at
To stay ahead
To steal
To steer
To step
To step (foot) on-tread on
To step into
To stir
To stop (vehicle)
To stop breathing
To stop-pause
To stop-pause-cease
To stress
To stride
To strike
To strip off
To strive
To strive (for)
To stumble-fall
To submit or rise according to circumstance
To succeed-work
To suffer
To suffer from
To suggest
To suit
To summarize
To supplement
To suppose
To sustain
To sweep away
To sweep eyes over
To sweep off
To swell
To tag
To take (from)
To take a dump
To take a look at
To take a seat
To take action
To take away
To take charge
To take effect
To take from
To take in sensory information
To take more
To take off (clothing)
To take possession of
To take refuge
To take the trouble (to)
To talk about
To tap
To teach-instruct
To tear
To tell
To tell, Tell
To thank-give thanks
To think about
To think back on
To think that
To think-consider
To think-ponder-wonder-consider-search one's mind for
To thrive
To throw away
To tolerate
To toss about
To touch heavily
To touch lightly
To touch the ground
To touch-contact
To tow
To trace
To track
To transfer
To transform
To transform (into)
To transport
To travel
To travel by (some mode of transport i.e. ship, Plane, Train, Car)
To traverse
To treat
To treat as
To trick or trap
To trip-stumble
To try to
To tug
To tune
To turn off
To turn upside down
To undergo
To undertake
To unite
To unscrew-open
To unsettle
To upload
To urge
To urinate-pee
To use for
To use-serve as
To utilize
To value
To value equally
To varying degrees
To veer
To vent
To violate
To visualize
To vocalize-speak out
To vomit
To wait for
To wait until
To wake up
To walk into
To walk of with
To walk past
To walk to
To want
To want to
To want to go
To want to see blood
To waste
To watch
To weaken-subside-abate-diminish
To wear armor
To wear shoes
To weigh on one's mind
To weight
To what degree…
To wither-dry up
To withstand
To work against
To work hard
To work out
To worry and so plan far in advance
To write down
To yank-pull
To Zoom (in or out)
To zoom out
Copyright©2024 Neil Keleher.
All rights reserved.